Anyway, I'm just really, really ecstatic to finally get them all in one go! :D
Mail love from Mary (aka Mellinail). I'm really grateful she found my first Chanel for me!
I love how eco-friendly and snug this packaging was.
The Super Powers Collection. That blue is my new all time favorite blue.
Some "magic fish food" to whet your polish appetite.
I thought it was funny that it came in such a huge box!
The Beetlejuice Collection. Not as duochrome-y as I thought, but still pretty good.
I also got the Kobo eReader I got last Cyber Monday but Mr. J promptly gift wrapped it and told me I couldn't play with it till after Christmas before I could get any photos. That's one more thing to look forward to, then! Don't you just love it when the universe conspires to make it feel like Christmas came early?
I've been putting off announcing this as I've been hoping I can get around circumstances. Hammie insists that I must admit defeat though when I realize how busy things will get and how much scrambling I've yet to do to get the house in order. No, it's not anything particularly bad. It just so happens that my in-laws are coming over to visit for Christmas and will be staying with us till the end of January. I doubt I can do new swatches once they arrive (they'll be here next Wednesday!) so I've been doing swatching marathons when I can to make sure I'll have enough material to use while they're here. So the bad news is that I might not have swatches of the polishes I featured above until early February (which is probably for the best as the Super Powers Collection won't be available till February, anyway). I might not also be as vigilant with the Indulge without the Splurge posts, depending on how busy things will be. While I will be scaling back a bit, rest assured that you'll still get the polish posts every Monday and Friday, as well as the nail art posts on Wednesdays.