Peppermint Candy Canes and Peppermint Candy inspired nails
What I Used:
Red: NYC In a New York Minute Madison Avenue
White: Wet N Wild French White Creme
How I Did It:
I was really just experimenting when I did this and I had to work fast to make sure the polishes didn't dry until I'd done the swirling. If you're wondering, I particularly chose the polishes I used for their close-to-watery consistency as that makes it somewhat easier to swirl the colors together. Also, you'll need to work fast so it will be best to do one nail at a time.
I was hoping for a more peppermint candy swirl effect but since I randomly did the swirling, I also ended up with random patterns. In hindsight, it might've been best to start my swirling at the middle of the white dot in the centre and make strokes in a "C" curve towards the nail edges and repeat it, forming a radiating pattern of "C"s throughout the nail. That might give me the peppermint candy swirl effect I wanted.
Natural light/No flash
Not as messy as a water marbled mani but still fun in a tie-dye kind of way.
Natural light/With flash
Random but altogether not bad for a first try.
Posing with a (faux) poinsettia
With some (faux) Christmas greenery and red berries