She is easily one of the strongest women I know. We might only be related by marriage but she feels very much like my own sister and I have a lot of respect for her. She learned Spanish so she can communicate with her husband's family, so now she speaks 6 languages, two of which are dialects. She kicked the big C in the butt and came out of the struggle more determined than ever. She's also a new mom to one year old Alena and their two dogs/babies, Bash and Shiva. I wanted to do something extra special and focus on one of her most favorite things that she collects: pig plushies!
I borrowed those coin banks from her.. :D
What I Used:
Pink base: Wet N Wild Strawberry Milk (opaque light pink creme)
Ears and snout: Sally Hansen Inst-Dri Rose A Go Go (peachy pink creme)
Black: Sally Hansen Xtreme Black Out
White: Wet N Wild French White Creme
This one was easy to do. First I painted all my nails in the pink base that will be the pig's skin color. After it dried, I used a detail brush to paint quarter circles on each side close to the cuticle, making sure they don't touch or overlap using the peachy pink creme. Those will be the pig's ears. Using the same brush, I painted a circle (or oval depending on your nail's width) on the lower half portion of the nail for the snout. Using the handle of my brush, I dipped it in white nail polish and placed two dots just on top of the snout circle to make the eyes. Make sure each layer is dry before you move on to the next. Lastly, with black nail polish and a toothpick, I placed a dot within the white ones I previously did to add pupils to the eyes and added two short vertical lines within the snout to make nostrils. Apply top coat after everything is dried and you're good to go!
Posing with piggy plushies and piggy banks!
No piggies were harmed in the making of this post.
Aww, piggy with a bow! I wonder..
This little piggy went to the market...
...this little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had roast beef...
...and this little piggy had none.
And this little piggy cried, "Wee, wee, wee!" all the way home!
I ended up putting bows and a flower on some of the piggies when I saw that one plushie with a bow. I wanted to do hats as well but I wasn't too sure that I wouldn't mess it up. All the piggies featured in this post (not including my nails) are part of Jennifer's collection that she was kind enough to loan me. One last look:
Hammie says: *pouts* What about Hamster nails..?
Would you sport these piggy nails in public? Or would you use green instead of pink and do the infamous pigs from Angry Birds? Did you watch Orson's Farm when you were younger?