Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nail Art Wednesday: Special Birthday Nails Part 3, Apple/Mac Nails

It was unfortunate that a couple weeks ago, the man who epitomized Apple passed away. His uncompromising stand on perfection and innovation will, no doubt, still be carried on by those whose lives he's touched directly and indirectly. So instead of mourning the sunset of one, we'll focus on the joy of daybreak for another: our birthday boy of the week, my brother in law, Chris.

When I was brainstorming ideas for nail art that would best describe Chris, it felt very much like an uphill battle. He's a bunch of contradictions that it was difficult to pin point just one aspect of him to showcase. He likes to stand out and yet he embraces trends as they come. He's all for innovation but he enjoys vintage. And then it hit me. He is (most probably) the biggest Apple fanboy I know.

Minimalist, shiny Apple inspired nails!

What I used:
Silver: Rimmel Lasting Finish Pure Silver
White: Wet N Wild French White Creme

This is the easiest nail art I've done so far. I hope you don't think it's a cop out, but I was trying to mimic the clean lines and minimalist feel of an Apple laptop. Mind you, getting that logo right was tricky! I also painted "iChris" on the thumb so it wouldn't look so plain.

Ignore the HTC logo. 
Obviously I don't own an iPhone & my iTouch was suspiciously missing when I took the photos.

Yeah, this didn't come out straight..I need a more opaque white.

It looks splotchy as I decided to forgo top coat so that I'd still have the brushed metal look of the silver.

One last look!

What's your take on Apple products? Do you think Apple will continue on their trajectory even without Steve Jobs at the helm?
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