Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Twin Post: Color Club I Believe In Amour

Continuing with our Twin Post Series with the lovely Marta of Chit Chat Nails, do you remember how I was surprised by how much I enjoyed wearing an unusual lilac toned neutral from Monday's post? And how I said that getting the set was such a good decision as I ended up with some colors I normally wouldn't go for but found myself thoroughly enjoying wearing them anyway? Well, here's another one that joins the ranks of Who Are You Wearing. My first impression with this was: "Another pink?" I figured Pardon My French was enough pink in a set, but look, here's another one and it's called I Believe In Amour. I was totally expecting a mediocre pink that I would stow away and forget. Boy, was I ever wrong! This turned out to be the first one I actually wore from the set! And you know what, I totally loved it.

Wouldn't you?

The Quick Take

Brand/Name: Color Club I Believe In Amour
Color: Cool toned pale pink with some lilac tones
Finish: Creme
Price: $3-8 CDN for 15mL
Seen at: Trade Secrets, Winners (as part of an unnamed set; seasonal availability) and wherever Color Club is sold.
Note(s): I Believe In Amour is part of the Spring 2010 Pardon My French collection, along with Take Me To Your Chateau and Pardon My French from the earlier twin posts.

The Fun Facts

Token bottle shot.

Token bottle shot.

Bright creamy pink!

Don't you just love a cheery bright pink? I realize it's not the most unusual color and chances are, you might have something in the same color family already. Truthfully, it's probably even one of the more boring shades out there that doesn't quite push the envelope. But..I really did enjoy this pink. It's not your usual warm-leaning pink. It's a pale pink, but not so pale as to lose out on the color intensity, with a lot more cool tones to it. I can even see a touch of lilac to it. The finish is a gorgeous shiny one, even without top coat, and that really just seals the deal for me. This is definitely a great pick me up color that I'd reach for come spring/summer
***All nail swatches were done with Nail Tek II Foundation Base Coat and two coats of Color Club I Believe In Amour unless stated.

Natural light/No top coat/No flash
Pretty shiny, right?

Natural light/No top coat/Flash
Loving the brightness of it!

Sunlight/No top coat/No flash
Yep, super shiny.

Even if pink isn't your cup of tea, when a nail polish practically applies itself, that's amore. You know, like the Dean Martin song from The Caddy?

I Believe In Amour is exactly that. The brush, together with the ridiculously pigmented formula made for an almost one-coater. I could actually have gotten away with just the one coat, but I'm a two coater kind of girl so I did the second coat out of habit more than need. The self-leveling formula was a nice midway between thick and thin; definitely Goldilocks approved! Time to dry, especially as it requires less coats was pretty fast, at about a couple minutes or so, and it was already dry to the touch. Oh, and did I mention how innately shiny this pretty is?

Natural light/Top coat/No flash
This has top coat. Trust.

Natural light/Top coat/Flash
Hammie says: It's like a slightly brighter and warmer MAC Vagabondage!

Sunlight/Top coat/No Flash
Hammie says: I'm surprisingly enjoying this pretty pink!

Like we've seen in the previous nail polishes in this set, this is another one that doesn't really require the added shine of top coat (but you still do need it for protection, if any).

The Lowdown

I searched my stash for possible matches and I've come up short. I did realize I have way too many warm toned medium pinks, but that's fodder for another post and I digress. Anyway. I honestly thought I would be able to come up with a match or at least something similar so I'm pleasantly surprised to find this is unique in my collection. As for whatever else is out there, I did a quick sweep on the interwebs and it looks like Hammie hit the nail on the head, yet again. I Believe In Amour does remind me a lot of the new MAC Vagabondage from the Beth Ditto collection. It has the same cooler toned pink with that touch of lilac. I can't call them absolute duplicates but they seem fairly close that I can skip out on the MAC one (which also happens to be limited edition, from what I hear). As for other possible matches, Revlon Sugar Glazed looks like it's also from the same color family. It's scented though, so that might offend more sensitive noses. It might also be a limited release (I've never seen any of the scented ones in the core display). Essie French Affair or Raise Awareness might be other possible contenders, along with Nubar Oh Baby Pink. Down the line, I think the variations are so slight that it'll end up being a question of price an availability. But if you ask me, I'm perfectly happy with my Color Club and gladly recommend it over the others if only for the ah-may-zing formula. You also can't beat the $2.14 price tag! So all in all, I Believe In Amour makes a believer in me.

For the nail art part of today's twin post, I actually wore this as a weekend mani with just a glittery ring fingernail as accent. I took a few photos of it but belatedly realized it was almost like cheating as it was just too simple. So to make it up, I did another one which is a variation of the dot manicure I've done in the past. Instead of another nail polish color to do the dot, I used black rhinestones from Born Pretty Store to make the pink really pop.

This was even easier to do than dotting with a tool!

The bumpiness of the rhinestones weren't quite doing it for me, though.

You know I had to pose with polka dots!

This was how I first wore it, with a glitter accent using China Glaze Polarized.

It's really not as warm toned as this photo makes it look like.

Hammie was gleefully surprised to find that he enjoyed this pink as much as I did. When application is as easy peasy as it was with I Believe In Amour, the not-so unique color is easily something he can overlook. After all, if this was easier to work with over another nail polish that had a similar shade, he reasons that it only makes sense to still choose I Believe In Amour. Application, apparently, trumps color in Hammie's book! He did say it was a pretty pale pink that didn't read chalky and remained stunningly bright, so he ends up scoring I Believe In Amour:

10 Hammie Points!

Now, aren't you curious to see how Marta wore this pretty pink? Take a gander over to Chit Chat Nails and take a peek! Now, can I get a yay for Hump Day? I am so looking forward to the weekend! We'll probably go visit the cutie pie (aka niece) so it will be an awesome weekend, for sure. So, are you a pink kind of girl? Do you prefer easy and simple art compare to more elaborate designs? How would you wear this pink?
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