Monday, May 7, 2012

First Ever Birthday Month Giveaway! -- CLOSED

Aaaaand, I'm back! Mr. J and I had a great trip and got some much needed (and we'd like to think, much deserved) R and R. As fun as it's been, after being away for so long, it sure does feel good to be back at home sweet home. There really is much to be said about enjoying sleeping in the comfort of your own bed. Anyway, I'll be sharing some photos we took throughout the trip in the next few days, so expect business as usual by next week.

We'd also like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the lovely ladies who've pitched in with Guest Posts to keep the blog up and running, even with only Hammie at the helm. Aren't they just amazing? Now, I fear, I'll have to step it up a notch to keep up the standard! ;) By the way, has Hammie been playing nice? He wasn't all too thrilled about getting the responsibility on top of all the other things he says he's busy with. But it seems everything looks in order, thank goodness! Now before we swap vacation stories past and present, we've got some great news for you: our first ever giveaway!!

In honor of my birthday month, I figured what better way to celebrate with you than to share the nail polish love? I'm beyond grateful for everyone who's dropped by, left a comment, tweeted a post link and just generally shared the love. I couldn't wait till Polished Indulgence's birthday to show you all my appreciation, so I rounded up a few of my favorites and here's what is up for grabs:

Flakie, Shimmery, Holographic, and Magnetic!

I wanted to make sure that all of my current favorite finishes are accounted for. Julep Emma was a surprise but I've taken to using it as a layering polish and it works a lot like Essie Luxe Effects Pure Pearlfection except pink-ish. Nubar Prize seemed appropriate if only for the name alone. Layla Magnetic not just represents the finish but our undying love for blue, as well. And Fingerpaints Twisted is a limited edition must have that's now a definite hard to find.

 They wanted to pose some more so I obliged.

So how exactly is this going to work?
  • This will be an international giveaway. I thought long and hard about limiting location for shipping reasons but I felt it would be unfair. I've been on the other end of limited location giveaways that I've wanted to participate in but couldn't, so I know how that feels. Everyone deserves a chance, methinks. (Just make sure that you can receive nail polish via post as I know some countries are strict about such things.)
  • The giveaway will start today and will run until June 8, 2012, 12:01am EST.
  • There will only be one winner
  • Enter your particulars via the Rafflecopter widget. Only entries via the Rafflecopter widget below will be counted, but do feel free to leave a comment anyway!
  • All the items in this giveaway have been purchased by myself. This giveaway is, in any way or form, not affiliated with any of the brands included.
All set? Go on and enter below and may the odds be ever in your favor! (Yeah, I'm still hung up on Hunger Games. :P)

EDIT: Thank you so much to everyone who entered the giveaway! We're overwhelmed by the response; we totally didn't expect it! You guys are unbelievably amazing, you know that? :D Congratulations again to the winner by random draw: Bebe from Singapore! Now, now, don't pout if you didn't win. We've got another one lined up for our blog birthday coming up in a few months so watch out for that! We really can't say thank you enough for your support and we look forward to hearing from you in the comments to come.

 *Hammie sends you his kisses*

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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