Friday, March 16, 2012

Unboxing Julep Maven American Beauty February 2012

Let me preface this post by saying that procrastination will bite you in the @$$ one day. Trust me on this. You see, I've been a serial crammer since high school, working on problem sets and lab reports at the very last minute. What's bad is I cram not because I have to, but because I need to. I thrive in adrenaline induced states as I'm one of the few that tend to focus more with a looming deadline. Otherwise, I tend to multitask to the point where I start everything but finish nothing. I haven't suffered any ill-effects from this horrible procrastination habit that I haven't been able to kick...until now. See, Julep has a window where you can opt to skip the month or change the option for different nail polish color choices. If you miss the window, you get the default option that you got after taking the profiling quiz and you'll expect to receive your box in the mail soon-ish (a few days for those in the US but as my box needs to cross the border I usually get mine in a week to a week and a half). Well, this month I procrastinated and missed that window. So I ended up with the American Beauty polish options that for a nail fiend are pretty...blah. Anyway, you'll see what I mean in a bit. On with the photos!

 The box with the logo from the side. What goodies does it hold this month?

 Once you open the box, you see the info card for American Beauty. And what is that I spy?

 Ooooh. Bonus emery board!

 Other side of the info card. Knowledge is power, ya know?

 Meet the pale pinks: Kelly (blush pink) and Emma (pearly/shimmery pink)
So. Very. Pale. On the nail they don't even show up pink, more like off white.
Boo Procrastination, boo.

 Labels at the back (and proof they are what they are in case you refuse to take my word for it).

Julep Elixir: Organic Morrocan Argan Oil
It'll be fun to see how this stacks up to the well-known Morroccanoil. 
I love how the universe conspires sometimes as I wouldn't be able to compare them had I not gotten the latter from my February Loose Button Luxe Box. Universe, you rock.

Everyone, all together now. Group shot!

Yep. I got not one, but two pale pinks. *insert major sighing here* If I had not procrastinated about changing my option once I had gotten the info email, I could've gotten better colors to suit the warming temps that scream the need for vibrant color. Ah, well, lesson learned. I guess it's not really all that bad when you realize that neutrals are also taking the stage in the fashion world this season, alongside neons. And this is me sweet lemoning (as opposed to sour graping) about how you can never have enough neutrals. At any rate, I have to give props where props is due. Julep actually sent out an email with a nail art design idea using the polishes given in the box. I thought that was really fun of them to do! Also, they sent out another email detailing the uses of the Elixir for the face, nails and hair. It's always good to know these things, don't you agree?

(Image courtesy of

As for the cost breakdown, the website lists the Elixir at $24 and each nail polish is $14. Julep Maven members get free shipping and 20% off the list price. This brings individual cost down to $19.20 for the Elixir and $11.20 for each nail polish. If I purchased it all from the online store, I would've paid $41.60 with the membership discount. So in essence, I got everything for a tiny bit less than half price and bringing the nail polish cost down to $0.70 per mL (comparable to OPI at $0.60 per mL as I previously discussed in this post). Even the Elixir, if it does end up being comparable to the famous Morroccanoil brand, comes up to a very reasonable $9.60 for 30mL compared to Morroccanoil's 25mL at $15.00. Is this box worth the $20? Oh, very much so! Heck, even the math agrees.

And Hammie agrees with the math. For full-sized products that you can treat yourself to for $20 every month, the Julep Maven program is pretty outstanding (assuming, of course, that you can afford to burn $20 on products you may or may not want/need/like). He also likes the option of being able to skip a month and the idea behind the company with their philanthropist leanings and "go girl" sensibilities. But the color choices for the nail polishes fell flat for him, too, and pending how the Elixir performs, Hammie tentatively scores this box:

7 Hammie Points!

Hello Weekend and Happy St. Patrick's Day! While I probably won't be drinking green beer or munching on sham-rock cookies, I'll definitely be wearing green nails. Any big plans for the weekend? 

Too awesome not share. You're welcome.

Have you tried the Julep Maven program? Would you want to? How do you feel about neutrals for spring (as for me, I'm all for color)?
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